Красивые иностранные слова, Красивые английские слова с переводом | hamsa-news.ru

Красивые иностранные слова

Но в данном случае есть исключения в написания: Satisfaction — удовлетворение, грация — grace. Is that a recent photo? We were confident of victory.

А потренировать сложные слова в своей речи вы можете на уроке с одним из наших преподавателей. Слово affect чаще всего выступает как глагол, а effect — как существительное.

В качестве глагола to effect иногда употребляется в формальной речи в значении «приводить к выполнению», «осуществлять», «совершать». Приведем пример:. Слово desert может использоваться и как глагол в значении «покинуть», «оставить». To envelop — глагол, an envelope — существительное.

Слова можно запомнить так: надо существительно е , значит пишем envelop e. The seaman loosed the ropes and threw his weight on the sail. He always loses small things. Чаще всего loose употребляется в качестве прилагательного, а lose — в качестве глагола. Некоторые советуют запоминать написание так: если вам нужен глагол «терять», то «потеряйте» одну букву «o» в слове loose.

Some bird species use warm air currents to help them fly. The jam is made with currants and raspberries.

50 базовых фраз на английском, которые должен знать каждый

This project made efficient use of our limited resources. Давайте попробуем разобраться в разнице между этими словами, так как ее довольно сложно уловить. Слово effective можно перевести как «имеющий желаемый эффект», оно показывает, был ли достигнут результат.

We were confident of victory.

150 базовых английских прилагательных

Teachers are increasingly conscious of the importance of the Internet. The children need constant supervision. The water was wonderfully cool and refreshing. We had such a cool time at your party. The first person to give the correct answer wins the contest.

Ashley is playing a dangerous game, pretending to support both parties. He was dressed in a dark suit with a white shirt. The river is quite deep here. Six different boys asked me to dance. Choosing the winner was a difficult task. I felt dirty , hungry, and cold. The new machine is far more efficient than the old one. His pockets were empty. Every bedroom has its own private bathroom.

She led rescuers to the exact spot where the injured climber was lying. My best friend always wears expensive clothes. We aim to provide healthy food at fair prices.

He dreamed of becoming a famous footballer. Simon loves fast cars.

Простые фразы на английском языке. Лучшая практика английского языка на слух!

A sandwich will be fine for me. I sleep better on a firm mattress. She put the fruit on a large flat plate. Working in a foreign country takes some time to get used to. When we first met, he was a little stiff and formal. The ceremony honoured all the former presidents who are still living. There is plenty of free parking. You can use fresh or tinned tomatoes for this recipe. I enjoy working there — everyone is so friendly. The weather outside was frightful.

He turned the radio on full volume. Mandy was there, looking gorgeous as usual. The children seem very happy at new school. It is too hard to answer these questions. Exercise can be fun, and being healthy feels great!

It is a helpful guide to choosing colleges. The painting depicts an actual historical event.

Созвучные слова в английском и русском языках

Most young people are decent and honest. Cook the fish under a hot grill for 5 minutes. She arrived at the airport carrying two huge suitcases. We were cold, tired, and hungry. Music was an important part of the life of the community. We were faced with an impossible task. His wages enabled him to become economically independent of his family.

It was very informal — more of a chat than an interview. Under the law, everyone is considered innocent until proved guilty. She was the boss of a large international company. She was very kind to me when the children were ill.

The house had an exceptionally large garden. Jack is our leading player this season. Do you know anything about US legal system? The table is a lot light er than it looks. Use the little pan for making the sauce. She must feel desperately lonely with all her family in Scotland.

50 слов на английском, которые помогут создать неповторимую идентичность вашего бренда

This is a loose translation of the letter. There was a loud knocking on the door. It was necessary for all students to register a week in advance. The most obvious explanation is not always the correct one. On the opposite side of the road from the school was the church. Her English was perfect. The weather has been very pleasant on the whole. You must be more polite to the customers.

The poor child had lost both his parents. The task will not be possible without access to the Internet. The president is more powerful than the prime minister. Electric cars are quiet and pollution-free. Is that a recent photo?

Once we have all the relevant information, we can make a decision. The play has been a remarkable success. My grandparents were from a remote village in China. The manager is responsible for the general running of the theatre.

His invention has made him a rich man.