Счастливая шляпа рыболова, Fishing - Quests - WoW a Base
PvP-игроки результаты текущей недели. Четыре сотрудника, отвечающих за решение ваших вопросов, всегда выслушают и обязательно помогут. Мы били этих мобов без остановки с шансом дропа 0. Если твой знакомый знал о дропе хаккари, но сам ими не владел, возможны 2 варианта: либо он у кого-то видел а это опровергает все гайды по 19ым, накопленные сообществом за годы игры, если этот человек говорил правду , либо он увидел на вовхеде, где, как я писал выше, данные были неверны.
Раздел для участников конкурса "Здравствуй, Ёлка - Новый Год" г. Раздел для участников конкурса Летний конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 Летний конкурс , тур 3 "Здравствуй, Ёлка - Новый Год" г. Раздел для участников конкурса Летний фото конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 "Здравствуй, Ёлка - Новый Год" г.
Раздел для участников конкурса Летний конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 Летний конкурс , тур 3 Летний конкурс Летний конкурс , тур 1 Летний конкурс , тур 2 Летний конкурс , тур 3 Спорт О разном Домашние животные Рыбалка Юмор Фокусы Обсуждение изменений на проекте Флудилка logon Фото игроков logon Корзина.
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Отправлено 06 Март - Зачем же сразу одетых? Шапка будет более доступная что может поспособствовать увелечению количества твинков.
Система для сообществ IP. Войти Регистрация. Счастливая шляпа рыболова! Авторизуйтесь для ответа в теме. Отправлено 02 Март - Админы рассмотрите предложение по созданию Счастливой шляпы рыболова в лк! Репутация: Скрытый текст. Комментарий от Here are the fish rates of these rare fish Ill just.. Trade you for a hat?
Комментарий от I fished from 2pm - 4pm this sunday, and didnt get this rare fish or any else rare fish. Damn low drop rate. Комментарий от Therax Although the contest runs from pm, competition sharply drops after a winner is announced. If the goal for low-level toon is to get the Lucky Fishing Hat , cash from fishing or other prizes from rare fish , Consider starting around pm. All the competitors have gone home.
No offended players will be dumping mobs onto your character. During the competition, a rogue with Vanish, or a Paladin with Divine Intervention can drop mobs on small fragile characters, at-will. Why is there hostility vs. To understand where this hostility comes from, watch the general channel, when the winner is announced. There are invariably several people who lament that they were within fish. Competition is intense.
However, people will feel cheated, when a little level 19 tag-along was underfoot, sneaking fish out from under them. Intensify this with the reigning opinion that level 19 battleground twinks are unethically exploiting the system.
Nice fishing spots for lowbies When the contest is completed, the spawn points will largely be ignored by anyone else. The Troll island around 20, 24 has no hostile mobs. Its easily reachable from Westfall. The respawn rate is fairly quick. Fly or swim down to Booty Bay. Set your hearthstone. Fly back to Westfall. Swim down the coast to the Troll island. Stay clear of the elite shark that roams around the deep water, surrounding the island. Consider using Bright Baubles.
Fish Counter Put the following simple macro on your toolbar. Tap the macro button three times. Repeat until your fish are gone. Комментарий от What do i have to do to get health on the Lucky Fishing Hat? So if anybody ahs anymore sugestions then please reply to me. Комментарий от I know the tournament is from 2 pm to 4 pm, but can i turn in these rare fishes after the tournament end on the sunday?
Комментарий от Here is my Experiences with this Fishing Contest. I done this contest 7 months and 3 weeks for my twink. I now do it on my main from time to time. Basically you will fish at spots Labeled as "School of Tastyfish" The actual contest is the first person to catch 40 Tastyfish and hand them in to Booty Bay is the Winner. Although this sounds extremely bad, most people can get them in thier first few attempts at the Contest.
Be friendly. You might win next Week Set your hearthstone to Booty Bay. This can speed up the process of winning the contest. That is roughly the fishing contest, Good Luck to everyone who tries it Wrathblade - Wildhammer Комментарий от I just started fishing for the first time today on my 19 twink.
Комментарий от I got this and the boots on my first try during the Fishing Contest. Everybody including the other faction gankers patrol the East coast. You can get a lot of fish during those 15 minutes. Комментарий от For all those characters that are level 70 and high level fishers! Use: Attach a lure to your equipped fishing pole, increasing Fishing by 75 for 10 min. Personally I find this kickass. Atleast this way we get compensated with a ton of stam and spirit? Комментарий от cool little fun fact: during the stv fishing tourny only, when youkill a lvl 19 player even as a 70 you instantly get 50 honor for the kill, but this is only on sundays from server.
Which takes place every Sunday between and Server time. These are the items that can be won if you are the first person to hand in 40 Speckled Tastyfish to Riggle Bassbait in Bootybay. Once someone has won the fishing competition, you can still hand in your remaining Speckled Tastyfish to Jang in Bootybay. Комментарий от who gives that Q which area westfall?
I cant find it. The problem is, getting it. Problem number 1, the only time you can attempt to acquire it is Sundays from pm server time during the Stranglethorn Vale Weekly Fishing Contest. Any twink lucky enough to actually obtain this treasure is quite blessed. Комментарий от how good fishing skill you need to get it? Good Luck Fishing Everyone :D.
Комментарий от Got the hat on my second try. I guess im lucky :.